Intel's 5th generation of x86 line of processors. The Pentuim MMX line of processors is binary compatible with older generations of x86 processors and has the following enhancements over the previous generation of x86 processors (80486):
Binary compatible with older generations of x86 processors.
Branch prediction. Branch prediction was further enhanced in comparison with Pentium processors.
Dual processor support.
Superscalar architecture (2 pipe-lined integer units + 1 pipe-lined FPU).
FPU performance enhancements.
Power management features.
Separate 16 KB code and 16 KB data cache (Pentium non-MMX process had 8 KB code and 8KB data cache).
3.3V input/output level and 2.8V core.
New 67 MMX instructions and 4 new 64 bit data types.
Binary compatible with older generations of x86 processors.
Branch prediction. Branch prediction was further enhanced in comparison with Pentium processors.
Dual processor support.
Superscalar architecture (2 pipe-lined integer units + 1 pipe-lined FPU).
FPU performance enhancements.
Power management features.
Separate 16 KB code and 16 KB data cache (Pentium non-MMX process had 8 KB code and 8KB data cache).
3.3V input/output level and 2.8V core.
New 67 MMX instructions and 4 new 64 bit data types.
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